El Laboratorio de Métodos (LabdeM) de FLACSO México es responsable del eje transversal de metodología y técnicas para la docencia y la investigación


  • Formar investigadores y analistas reconocidos por su dominio de herramientas metodológicas avanzadas

  • Impulsar la investigación de frontera e innovadora

  • Generar conocimiento aplicado orientado a la solución de problemas públicos con una base científica



Coordinador del Laboratorio de Métodos

Is a full-time researcher and professor at Flacso Mexico and Director of the Flacso Mexico Methods Laboratory. He has a master's degree in Social Sciences from Flacso Mexico and a Ph.D. in Political Sciences from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He teaches courses on political theory, political behavior, and social sciences methods and techniques.

His research interests are populism in Latin America and the effects of presidential reelection on government performance in Mexico and Latin America. He belongs to the National System of Researchers, level I.

Coordinadora de docencia

Marisol Luna is a full-time researcher and professor at Flacso Mexico, where she also works as coordinator of the Unit of Methods and Statistical Information (UMIE). She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from UNAM and a Speciality in Applied Statistics from the Research Institute in Applied Mathematics and Systems at UNAM.

She has been a consultant for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on issues related to the reproductive health of young people, focusing on adolescent pregnancy and its relationship with poverty in Peru. Since 2010 She collaborates with the Observatory of Maternal Mortality in Mexico.

Profesor asociado

Associate Professor with the Methods Lab at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Sede Mexico. His research is interdisciplinary by nature, although he considers himself more of a political scientist and geographer, as those are the two major fields he studied during his doctorate.

His research lies at the intersection of space, public policy, environment and society. He is primarily interested in understanding the factors that contribute to (or hinder) cooperation in natural resource governance. While his major focus has been sanitation, wastewater and pollution control, he is also interested in solid and hazardous waste management and urban/industrial restructuring. He used a broad range of theoretical approaches, cross disciplinary boundaries and apply multiple methods. See more...

Jacqueline Plascencia Roig

Subcoordinadora Adjunta

Jacqueline Plascencia is the Assistant Coordinator of the Flacso Mexico Methods Laboratory and the IPSA Flacso Mexico Summer School since 2019. She is responsible for the logistics and coordination of all Summer School activities.

She has Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration by the Instituto Superior de Cajeme in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora and a Master's Degree in Administration by the Instituto Suizo University.



